Starting Your Indoor Seeds in Soil Blocks

Starting Your Indoor Seeds in Soil Blocks

As an avid indoor gardener, I’m always looking for new options to start seeds indoors, particularly if a new technique can help avoid waste. One approach I’ve come to love is starting indoor seeds in soil blocks, preferably the ones I create myself. Soil blocks eliminate the need for small pots or similar plastic containers or disposable containers when starting seeds, so there’s far less waste. Plus, this strategy helps towards having a sustainable garden and can save money, which is always a nice bonus in my book. Whether you’re a new indoor gardener or an experienced one, soil blocking can help you elevate your game. Here’s everything you need to know about starting your indoor seeds in soil blocks.

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How to Get Rid of Bugs in Houseplants

how to get rid of bugs in houseplants

When I first began building my houseplant collection – as well as starting seeds indoors for my outdoor garden – there was one thing I didn’t expect: pests. After all, if the plants are inside, pests shouldn’t be an issue, right? Wrong. Imagine my horror when I spotted bugs crawling across leaves or making their way through the soil the first time. I guarantee the first thing on my mind was figuring out how to get rid of bugs in houseplants fast. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to tackle houseplant pests. However, what you need to do can vary depending on the type of bugs present. If you want to get the job done as quickly as possible, here’s

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How to Propagate Your Indoor Plants

how to propagate your indoors plants

Few things make me as happy as the greenery in my home. Plants give my house a sense of life and energy and add a touch of vibrance to the space. The main trick is that buying house plants is an expensive hobby. Fortunately, it isn’t necessary. By learning how to propagate indoor plants, you can bypass the store and use your existing ones to create more. Plus, learning to propagate your indoor plants isn’t as difficult as it seems initially. If you’re wondering how to start your propagation journey, here’s what you need to know. Examples of Houseplants Suitable for Propagation First, it’s critical to know which houseplants are suitable for propagation, particularly those that work well for beginners.

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Gardening in Small Spaces

gardening in small spaces

When I began gardening, I had only a small space available to start. While I initially assumed that limited my options dramatically, I quickly learned that you could have a bountiful vegetable garden, plenty of fruits, and tons of fresh herbs if you use the right approach. Gardening in small spaces doesn’t have to limit your potential, either. If you want to maximize your limited room, here’s what you need to know. Gardening in Small Spaces: What Options Are Available? When most people think of gardening at home, they focus on digging into backyard soil. But that’s not the only option available. Choosing a container garden can let you cultivate a harvest on a porch, patio, balcony, or even inside

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How to Plant a Moon Garden

how to plant a moon garden

Few gardens are as enchanting as a moon garden, which is why learning how to plant a moon garden is so popular. Often, the spaces aren’t just relaxing and peaceful; they’re outright romantic. The flowers in a moon garden seem to glow at night, creating a magical or mystical ambiance. Couple that with the right foliage – those with silvery leaves or high-contrast patterns and reflective surfaces – and your yard seems alight even when the sun goes down. When I planted my first moon garden, I worried that getting it right would be challenging. Fortunately, that was far from the case. With the correct plant selection and overall design, creating a breathtaking moon garden is actually incredibly simple. If

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7 Tips to Smell-Proof Your Grow Tent

7 Tips to Smell Proof Your Grow Tent (1)

When you’re an indoor cannabis grower, it’s common to worry about odors coming from your grow tent or grow room. After all, even if growing is legal, that doesn’t mean you want the smell to permeate every part of your home. Plus, if you’re like me, you probably want to keep your growing activities discrete, so finding a way to eliminate the odor molecules is a must. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep odor under control. I’ve taken a deep dive into the topic and have tested a wide variety of odor neutralizers and solutions. If you want to smell-proof your grow tent or grow room, here are some answers to common questions on the topic and a

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How to Create a Sustainable Garden

How to Create a Sustainable Garden

During my journey as a gardener, I’ve focused primarily on organic gardening and eco-friendly strategies. As a result, I’ve long had a strong interest in learning how to garden sustainably, ensuring I made the best possible use of natural resources while limiting overall consumption, as well as techniques that helped me grow healthy plants along the way. Since resource conversation and sustainability are also essential in the eyes of many others, I wanted to share what I’ve learned while cultivating a sustainable garden. If you’ve been wondering, “How can I make my garden self-sustainable?” here’s what you need to know about creating a sustainable garden. What Makes a Garden Sustainable? Technically, no official line in the sand determines if a

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How to Store Root Vegetables Properly

storing root vegetables

If you’re like me, you put a lot of effort into your garden between saving your seeds, weeding, watering, and figuring out which plants grow best together, so you want your yields to last long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labors. Of course, with some fruits and vegetables, long-term storage is relatively simple. But what about root vegetables? Is root vegetable storage different? Do you have to have a root cellar or cold storage for storing root vegetables, or will something else work? Fortunately, you have plenty of options for storing root vegetables to ensure they last. I’ve tried most of the options below myself and have gotten great results. Plus, many of the strategies on this list

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What Vegetables Grow Well Together?

What Vegetables Grow Well Together

When you’re planning for an indoor vegetable garden, ensuring you set your plants up for success is essential for excellent yields and overall health. When I was a beginner, I assumed that separating each type of vegetable from the others was the best choice. In reality, that isn’t the case, as there are good companion plants that grow well together. By planting vegetables together in the right combinations, you can actually improve both plants’ health. The same is true when you pair specific vegetables with certain herbs or other types of plants. Here’s a look at why growing certain vegetables together is a smart move, as well as which vegetables grow well together, what pairings to avoid, and more. Why

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10 Tips for Rainwater Harvesting

10 Tip For Rainwater Harvesting

For gardeners like myself, finding eco-friendly ways to support my plants is a priority. Since saving water is something I strive to do, I explored rainwater harvesting as an alternative to using tap water. Ultimately, harvesting rainwater is reasonably simple, and it benefits the environment. Plus, it’s potentially better for your plants, as rainwater doesn’t always contain the chemicals that municipal water services use to ensure the water is safe for consumption. If you’re new to rainwater harvesting, you likely have some questions about it and could benefit from some of the insights I’ve gathered since I started my journey. Here are answers to common questions about harvesting rainwater and ten tips for rainwater harvesting. What Is Rainwater Harvesting? In

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